Why you should never click the ‘Log a Call’ button in Salesforce

Apr 9, 2016 | Salesforce Tips

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This seems counter-intuitive, right? The CRM mantra is, “If it isn’t in Salesforce it didn’t happen.”

Well, you should still log your calls in Salesforce, but instead of using the Log a Call button in the history related list, we should be using the Quick Action in Chatter.

Quick Action
That is accessed from the Chatter Feed, then More and Log A Call.  Easy, enough, but why?  If you use the Log a Call, the activity certainly gets tracked, but unless someone views the record or runs a report they’re probably  not going to know that it happened.  If we use the Chatter Quick Action then it’ll also be in the chatter feed so anyone that follows that record will see it in their chatter feed and part of their daily digest.

The call will show in the chatter feed and in the activity history related list.

Quick Action 2a>

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