Spring ’16 Trailhead Badge
There is a new Trailhead available, and it is a great way to get up to date on the features from the latest release.
There is a new Trailhead available, and it is a great way to get up to date on the features from the latest release.
Instead of using this:
[Select id from RecordType where sObjectType = 'Account' and developerName ='Customer'].id
Use this:
This can help avoid those pesky SOQL governor limits.
Salesforce’s Professional Edition, Enterprise Edition and Unlimited Edition for Sales Cloud and Service Cloud will be replaced by new Lightning Professional Edition, Lightning Enterprise Edition and Lightning Unlimited Edition for Sales Cloud and Service Cloud…
Full Article: https://www.salesforce.com/blog/2016/02/new-editions-2016.html?dm_i=2NVW,62PE,8FI46,IDVC,1